Saturday, May 27, 2017
Tuesday, May 23, 2017
More DIY Machine Emboridered Bookmarks
The Craft Muse promised me a wish if I
was able to make thirty Machine Embroidered bookmarks before she
returned from her Bermuda vacation.
Well, she made it back. And I made it also, by making e 30 + bookmarks.
The Muse is a tiny bit grumpy because she got sunburned on the last day of her Bermuda vacation.
With this in mind, I'm holding off asking for my wish.
I'm running out to the store for some aloe burn cream to put on her sunburn. And after a few days of recovery I'll mention my wish after I show her the bookmarks.
But, right now I want to show YOU some of the bookmarks that I made last week.
To see past posts showing the embroidered bookmarks. Check out this post for the start of the countdown. And then this post for another batch and this post for more after that. And more here
See below for the newest machine embroidered bookmarks.
Posted by
12:31 PM
Monday, May 15, 2017
Seven More DIY Machine Embroidered Bookmarks
The Craft Muse promised me a wish if I was able to make thirty Machine Embroidered bookmarks before she returned from her Bermuda vacation.
I've been trying to get them all done before the end of the week.
I really want that wish!
I crossed the finish line last night, for the thirty bookmarks. And made a little over the thirty.
I've earned my wish from the Craft Muse!
See this post for the start of the countdown.
And see this post for another batch of bookmarks in the countdown.
And this post for more after that.
Below is more of the countdown and the finish line
2,1, .. Aren't these two hedgehogs bookmarks cute for the final two?
0, -1, ..... I worked till zero dark thirty on these USN SEAL themed bookmarks.
-4... This Kokopeli piper hit final note as the embroidery machine has hummed making all those bookmarks.
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1:22 PM
Friday, May 12, 2017
Three More DIY Machine Embroidered Bookmarks
The Craft Muse promised me a wish if I was able to make 30 Machine Embroidered bookmarks before she returned from her Bermuda vacation.
I've been trying to get them all done before the end of next week.
I really want that wish!
See this post for the start of the countdown.
And see this post for another batch of bookmarks in the countdown.
Below is more of the countdown.
10, 9, 8....These owls know that reading is great.
7, 6... I got musically inspired to stitch of 2 Beethoven bookmarks.
Posted by
11:30 AM
Monday, May 1, 2017
Five More Designs for DIY Machine Embroidered Bookmarks
The Craft Muse promised me a wish if I was able to make 30 Machine Embroidered bookmarks before she returned from her Bermuda vacation.
So, I've been running my embroidery machine until almost melt down, in order to meet the goal of 30 and get my wish.
See this post for the start of the countdown.
Below is more of the countdown.
22, 21,20...... Not going to be dragging this out , so I made 3 - Wildside Dragon bookmarks .
19, 18, 17 .... Running out of time and space, but I managed to make - 3 Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy themed bookmarks.
16, 15, 14, ..... I knew that the spaced out HG2G themed ones were going to be hard to follow, but I tried and made 3- Follow the Yellow Brick Road bookmarks .
13, 12, 11 .... Hold your horses and get your diving gear for the next 3 Seahorse bookmarks. I pinked them up, and ... sew what! That's embroidery machine sew what! Each is a little bit different, sea if you spot them.
10, 9, 8.... Keeping on the sew what ! theme, I made 3- Punks on a Wire bookmarks. Punky, sew what! And yes, those are studs on the ribbon . Pink and Punk, what a combo to end this week of the great machine embroidered bookmark countdown!
Posted by
5:10 PM